Why Answering Service makes $ense

Did you know that you can get more business by just putting up Click to Call in Google Search results? Mobile users look for these icon like the one below to quickly contact you.

Google’s Click to Call and Futuregen’s pool of virtual receptionists are the perfect combination.

“Google commissioned Ipsos, an independent market research company, to understand consumer attitudes about click to call within organic and paid mobile search results”. These are their key findings:

More importantly, the research found that 31% of callers are specifically looking to make a purchase or transaction. There is one catch however. Not all organizations are ready to pick up those calls! If yours is like most businesses, you don’t have trained people to handle these calls. And you will also need to after-office hours and holiday coverage too.

So hopefully, you now decide to get someone to answer your calls…specially after office hours and during public holidays. You need a company with a team of virtual receptionists to professionally answer your calls for you. You also want the solution to be very affordable and cost effective.

Well good news. We offer a shared pool of proactive agents to answer calls on your behalf. Check out our promotion below or drop us an email at marketing@futuregen.sg or chat with us online to learn more.

Promo price is good for the first 3 months of service.
Does not include voice circuit pricing.

Source of Ipsos Study: https://ssl.gstatic.com/think/docs/click-to-call_research-studies.pdf

Outsourced Data Engineering Service

Our clients typically need to quickly complete their machine learning projects. They also need to be flexible and nimble without adding head counts. Our outsourced data preparation service takes care of your ETL tasks (Extract, Transform, Load) and delivers quick and accurate data for their needs. We help with the 80% part that slows down the analytics portion.

This 80% typically involves :
Data preparation tasks like Data Digitization, Data Aggregation/Consolidation, Data Entry, Data labeling.

Our trained and experienced teams off load these tasks and help your team accelerate your data analytics projects. We understand your needs. We can work with Microsoft Access, PDF files, Excel, Statistical files and connect to data on Amazon Athena, Aurora, EMR Hadoop Hive, Redshift, Microsoft Azure, Apache Drill, Aster Database, Cloudera Hadoop, Denodo, EXASOL, Google Cloud, Horton works Hadoop Hive, IBM DB2, IBM PDA (Netezza) and more!

Data Digitization is involved with scanning paper based forms and applying OCR with human editors to ensure that the digitized data is accurate. Most often, data are in different silos. Our teams can consolidate this into one dataset for your teams to work on.

Typical Tasks at this stage includes:

  • Cleansing
    (Correcting inconsistent Data, renaming field names and formatting, outliers and grouping common values)
  • Integration
    (Union and Joins of various input sources)
  • Transformation
    (Aggregation, creating new calculated fields, pivot data, creating links among data sources and reshaping data)
  • Annotation
    Data, Text, Image, Video, Audio labeling service to provide your machine learning project with Labeled Data.
  • Reduction
    (removal of unwanted data)

Data Entry involves human intervention in completing those missing values that would otherwise invalidate the records. Data editing is also needed to normalize the inputs as well.

Finally, data labeling (Annotation) helps you train your AI process. Our teams have labeled hundreds of thousands of images for past projects.

Finally, our project managers have data analytics background that understands your team’s need for data quality. Contact us for a zoom conference to find out more.

Using ChatBots to Fight RoboCallers

Robolawyer startup DoNotPay launched Robo Revenge. It enables users to sue any US-based company that spams you with robocalls. The service generates a fake credit card number that you give to the telemarketer. Once they use it, their details are then recorded in the system.

The robocaller’s details and then helps you sue them for as much as $3,000. The service is live now on DoNotPay’s website and in its app.

What makes for a BAD Client Interaction

In a Dimensional Research survey sponsored by Zendesk in 2013:
What makes for a BAD interaction?
72%  said it was having to explain a problem to multiple people
51 % on the problem not being resolved.

Zendesk Survey - what made CS bad

Not only are customers most frustrated with the way customer service issues are handled, 58 percent said they were more likely to share customer service experiences today than they were five years ago, with more and more people sharing experiences on social networking sites and writing online reviews

Case Study: KLM use of Twitter

KLM is the Dutch airline that evolved its use of Twitter in unexpected ways. They originally used twitter as a platform for social media marketing. They quickly realized that it could also be used as a platform for communicating service disruptions. This proved invaluable during the 2011 Iceland volcano eruption.

KLM Twitter Case Study
KLM Twitter Page

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