Transcript:TWIS.ORG April 7, 2009

Justin: Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

The future is rapidly approaching. This has always been the case, of course throughout the whole of human history. Tomorrow always seems to be on a hurry to reach the present. What may separate our presently encroaching future from future’s past?

The seemingly limitless landmarks that beacon this new age, from nano-engineering to synthetic-genetic manipulations; stem cell progenitors to microbial biofuels; from the nature of neural networks to a universe made of strings; the science that we are living in golden age of discoveries only clouded by the sheer volume of discoveries and the speed at which they are being made. Making the amazing a common place occurrence.

As human knowledge expands well beyond the familiar seemingly intuitive world we were born into, rerun the risk of falling behind in our time of being primitive thinkers in the modern world.

In all primitive thinking much like the hour of our programming does not necessarily represent the views or opinions of University of California at Davis, KDVS or its sponsors.

The speed that which the secrets of the universe are being revealed to us is increasing at such a rate that if we turn our attention away too long, if will allow ourselves to be mired in daily destruction, we may miss our chance to glimpse the world made naked by knowledge.

The universe as revealed by This Week in Science coming up next.
Continue reading “Transcript:TWIS.ORG April 7, 2009”

Transcript: Nov 6, 2007

Sean: No purchase necessary while supplies last. (Not) or reduce calorie food. Batteries not included. Your mileage may vary, not to be used as floatation device. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating and inhaling this audio can be harmful or fatal.

Some conditions apply. Side effects may include, dizziness, blurred vision, unusual clarity of thought, head displacia, headache, upset stomachs, sleepiness, (anything) with a sensation of the scalp.

For adults and entertainment purposes only. Not to be taken internally. Do not smoke while using. Offer limited to stock on hand. Do not spray on heated surfaces or near or on flame.

If symptoms persist, please continue use and consult a science teacher. Refrigerate after opening. Void where prohibited.

If you can understand this, you should really cut back on a caffeine. See dealer for details. Do not taunt happy fun ball. Offer not valid in Antartica, Greenland, Easter Island or the District of Columbia.

Science is a strong medicine and should not be inserted nasally. Do not puncture or incinerate. (Unintelligible) nearest contains an (unintelligible). Keep out of reach of children. Ask you doctor at is right for you.

The views expressed in this program, do not necessarily represent the views of KDVS or its sponsors. This Week In Science, coming up next. Use only as directed. Continue reading “Transcript: Nov 6, 2007” Oct 23, 2007

Justin: Disclaimer, disclaimer, disclaimer!

The following hour of programming is not intended for the weak minded. You’ll hear things here that are by design intended to brainwash you into being more autonomous in your thinking, may constitute actually an act of passive treason once the scientist revolution begins. No subject will be considered too brainy, too bascule or too unsexy to be undressed.

Natural resistance to learning new things will be pinned down and tickled until it pees itself. If you are afraid of being ostracized by those around you for quoting scientists or ruining a romantic moment by correcting misconceptions about quantum physics or if you’re just concerned about being irreparably enlightened about the environment, you are listening to the wrong show.

If on the other hand, you believe that science is better than small talk, knowing stuff makes you more sexy and that the only way to survive the future is to prepare for it, then, I have good news for you because This Week In Science, Extra Brainwashy Edition is coming up next.

{Music} Continue reading “ Oct 23, 2007” Oct 16, 2007

Justin: Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer! The following hour of programming is intentionally grounded in reality. If you are tuning in hopes of escaping reality, you have tuned in to the wrong frequency, downloaded the wrong podcast, or worse, you are actually a host of this show.

While many fear to seek truth, let alone face it, the next hour of time spent here is dedicated to exploring and dissecting that, which is truth from that, which is not, peeling away layers of presumption, intuition and supernatural inklings until the onion of the unknown is no more.

If you feel yourself tearing up now, it is an intellectual anticipation of This Week in Science, coming up next.
Continue reading “ Oct 16, 2007” Nov 20, 2007

Justin: Disclaimer! Disclaimer! Disclaimer!

On this day before the day before the day of giving thanks, This Week In Science would like to thank the men and women of science, past, present and future, for their hard work and fearless application of brainy dedication to the uncovering of the unknown and for pushing back the veil of intuition so that we can see beyond the ways of chance and firmly place ourselves on the shores of possibility.

While the University of California, Davis, KDVS and its sponsors don’t necessarily represent the views of this show, we would still like to thank them for providing us a home, a place to ponder, wonder and explore the world of science out loud. If not for that generous commitment to public affairs programming, you wouldn’t be about to hear This Week In Science, coming up next. Continue reading “ Nov 20, 2007”

Transcipt: Mar 18, 2008 Part 1

Justin: Disclaimer. Disclaimer. Disclaimer.

Now is not the moment to panic. Yes, there’s a war waging in the far off land. Yes, the economy tethering on the brink of an untold turmoil. Yes, the waging and the tether are taking native focus off the impending collapse of our fluctuating climate.

Yes, the content of the following hour of programming does not necessarily represent the views of University of California Davis, yes, the same goes for KDVS and its sponsors.

Yes, This Week in Science is in potential danger of becoming an evening commute, rather than morning drive time broadcast, but for Douglas Adam’s sake people, don’t panic.

The fact that we live at the bottom of the deep gravity well, on the surface of a gas covered planet, going around the nuclear fire ball 90 million miles away, and think these to be normal and not worth panicking about is obviously some indication of how skewed our perspective tends to be.

And should allow some level of comfort that things really are much stranger than This Week in Science, coming up next.

(Music Playing) Continue reading “Transcipt: Mar 18, 2008 Part 1”

Transcipt: Mar 25, 2008 Part 2

Kirsten: And we’re back.

Justin: With more This Week in Science.

Kirsten: With more This Week in Science. And on the line we have Dr. Michael Stebbins, and I’m having issues with the CD player so unfortunately I can’t get the CD –

Justin: Again no theme music!

Kirsten: Yes. The CD player says TOC error. TOC error. I don’t know what that means. So, no themes music today, so we’re just going to play what’s there and see what’s happens.

Justin: Yes.

(Music Playing)
Continue reading “Transcipt: Mar 25, 2008 Part 2”

Transcipt: Mar 25, 2008 Part 1

Justin: Disclaimer. Disclaimer. Disclaimer.

There is no such thing as logic. There is no history to the world. There is no technology, no written word, and no art. There’s no intellectual progress of any kind, without science.

And without science, there is no reason for the University of California – Davis, KDVS as its sponsors, to point out that the views and opinions of the following hour of programming are not their own, because without science, there would be no sponsors, no radio!

Let alone a radio station, there would be no university, no Davis, no California. Luckily for all of us, science exists, science is real, and as proof, we offer you, This Week in Science, coming up next.

(Music playing)
Continue reading “Transcipt: Mar 25, 2008 Part 1”

Transcipt: Mar 11, 2008 Part 1

Justin: Hey! Great! We missed the disclaimer.
Kirsten: It’s all you. Go!
Justin: We missed the disclaimer! The following hour of programming does not necessary represent the views obtaining through the University of California Davis, KDVS or its sponsors.
Listeners are cautioned to listen with care as the contents of this show are under tremendous pressure. It is a compression of vast amounts of information that instantly expand upon contact with your brain.
Information of this nature is not intended to punish or pleasure. Yet listeners may experience slight discomfort including, but not limited to, headache, lightheadedness, unexpected burst of euphoria, regardless of what awaits you, prepared to get your 411 with This Week in Science – already underway. Hey I’m like running late here.
Continue reading “Transcipt: Mar 11, 2008 Part 1”

Transcript: Dec 25, 2007

This Week in ScienceWoman: Today’s show is brought to you by Audible. Please visit for your free audio book download.

JUSTIN: Ho ho ho! Merry TWISmas Kirsten!

KIRSTEN Merry TWISmas Justin and it is TWISmas morning isn’t it?

JUSTIN: Yes! Yes I got absolutely everything I wanted for TWISmas.

KIRSTEN Everything?


KIRSTEN Well I have to say that. I have to. I had a fabulous fabulous year of TWIS. .

JUSTIN: Yes good. It’s been a good year. We’ve had –

KIRSTEN Absolutely.

JUSTIN: amazing cast of guests this year.

KIRSTEN Yup. It’s been an amazing cast of guests. The – all the researchers we’ve brought through this year have been.

JUSTIN: Incredible.
  Continue reading “Transcript: Dec 25, 2007”