Client Testimonial: Radio Station Guide

Radio Station Directory Guide would like to show our appreciation to Wilson Chua and his team at FutureGen for the excellent SEO job that FutureGen has been doing for our website.

Radio Station Directory Guide is a web directory listing of online radio stations around the world.  Like most websites with limited marketing budget , we relies  a lot on the search engine for web traffic and visitors.

Embarrassed to say, for the six months since going live, Radio Station Directory Guide was unranked in Google and Yahoo and received only meagre traffic from MSN, the smaller search engines and partner sites.

However, since acquiring FutureGen’s SEO services, we have achieved astonishing results!  In just 1 month, we have gone from nowhere in Google to first page ranking in both our keywords.

Just take look at these set of results achieved in a span of around 3-4 weeks :

  • Page 1 ranking in Google for the keyword “Radio Station Directory” out of 43.6 millions competitors.
  • Page 1 ranking in Google for the keyword “Radio Station Guide” out of 5.2 millions competitors.
  • Page 1 ranking in MSN for the keyword “Radio Station Directory” out of   2.3 million competitors.
  • Page 6 ranking in Yahoo for the keyword “Radio Station Directory” out of 18 millions competitors.

As a result, Radio Station Directory Guide now has a steady stream of increasing traffic and visitors from all the 3 major search engines.

Our web statistics shows that ever since we acquired the services of FutureGen, web traffic from our keywords has increased almost 13 fold and this increase in traffic also translate to a 3 fold increase in our pay-per-click revenue!

And to think that 1 month ago, we were still wondering how our next visitor will find us out of millions of websites!

Thankfully, we can now focus on our core task of improving our content and services to our visitors instead of worrying how they can reach us.

We would like to extend our thanks to FutureGen for delivering a highly personalized level of services. FutureGen has even gone above board by helping us to analyse our visitors’ profile, suggesting ways to improve visitor retention and time spent on site and even suggesting web design tips and tools!

For anyone or any company who is serious about marketing a web site or doing business online, Radio Station Directory Guide highly recommend FutureGen’s SEO services for they know their stuffs, deliver tremendous value and importantly they are upfront and only employs ethical method that do not put your websites at risk.

On top of that, they provide their services with a touch of sincerity and smile! No doubt, engaging FutureGen has been our most valuable investment to date.


Lim TH


Radio Station Directory Guide