Live Customer Support Basics

LRS Benefits?

Savvy Website owners are making use of Live Response systems to increase customer satisfaction and overall online revenues.  Live Response Systems gives your web visitors the option to talk to or ‘chat’ with an online CSR (customer sales rep) or CustCare (Customer Care Provider), dramatically increases your website’s usability—from within the browser sesson!

Clients now get immediate and intelligent answers to request for information.

What is a Live Response System?

Put simply, it is a client-server application that resides on three places: one piece that resides on your application server, the other piece resides on the webserver and finally, one piece sits on each of the staff PC that will handle the support.

How Does it work?

You place a piece of code on your web server. It will appear as button with the labels “Live Chat” or words of a similar nature. When clients can not find what they are looking for, or they need assistance, they simply click on the “Live Chat” icon.

This will cause a pop-up chat window to appear where both the visitor and your CustCare, or CSR can attend to, assist and/or close the sales for the visitor.

The CSR now has the tool to convert your webvisitor into a paying client!

Problems for SMEs

One phrase summarizes the problem faced by SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises) when faced with Live Response Service implementations: Economies of Scale.

They are not big enough to afford the major investments required to plan, deploy and operate such a Live Support system given that their web traffic is not that great. They need the system, but their scale of operations can not justify hiring full time employee to operate the system.

One Possible Solution: Shared Live Customer Support Systems!

Instead of running Live Customer Support Systems fully inhouse, why not consider outsourcing this? The investment will be minimal as these are spread over shared customer support personnel with other SMEs.

Find out more:

Send us an email at marketing[at] and we will assess your current needs and match you with a correct program.

LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 5

Marc:  Well that I’m sure that’s what LinkedIn says and thinks. But that is a severe problem and to be honest, you know, I have got people who said “Marc, you know, this is inappropriate, you know, don’t send – forward these kinds of introductions to me.

That‘s it. It only happens once or twice for four or five years in general. I don’t find it to be a problem and that’s why I have some standards in terms of the kinds of messages that I cross, but I think fundamentally – and I hope you agree – you know, my role as a introduction forwarder, is not to be a filter it’s – you know, I find it presumptuous that I should know what you as the recipient are looking forward to, or what kind of situation you’re in, you know, and I – I’m not going to speak to that, what I will do is to ensure that the request is a professional and appropriate one.

But aside from that, you know, I don’t know where you’re at and what kind of introduction you accept, so therefore I do place, you know, large part of the onus on the recipient to decide for themselves, whether or not it’s a reasonable request, whether they’re going to accept it or not. Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 5”

LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 4

Dave: I mean there’s lots of interesting things that can be done once LinkedIn says “We don’t have to own every line of code.

Marc:  Well absolutely and that’s going to be a fine line, I think that LinkedIn will have in terms of maintaining true to the LinkedIn philosophy of strong connections and maintaining close control over personal information and privacy while at the same time opening up to business services that are going to be useful as opposed to the explosion of toys that you see on Facebook.

I’m a little bit pessimistic frankly you know given LinkedIn tensions to really control their network and the users and the information on the network. I’m pessimistic that they’re going to open it up in a way that allows people to do innovative and interested things.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 4”

LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 3

Dave:  … I mean I have a couple of hundred Facebook connections, and oh gosh, well into the multiple thousand connections at MySpace and it’s just so interesting to see how they’re different.

So on Facebook, for example, I’ve tended to try to only connect to people I know, but it’s really really hard to hold that line, and if I go and look through my Facebook connections, there are many people where I just look and say “Who is this person?”

On MySpace it’s way out there, on MySpace honestly the vast majority of people I’m connected to I have no idea who they are nor would I particularly want them knocking on my door.

And that is just part of that culture. And you know, so what I’ve been writing about on from LinkedIn’s perspective and such it’s just what differentiates all of these. And from a business perspective, where should you be and what should you expect and how can you most successfully interact, you know in other words what are the best practices.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 3”

LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 2

Marc:  Why don’t we take a few calls or perhaps if people want to chat prior to getting Dave on the line, we see a few guests? Dave is saying his non-business account seems to be the same. So his homepage hasn’t changed yet.

It’s officially in beta. And if you want to go to the URL for it, it is and that actually will take you to your beta homepage. And as I said for some people it’s already been integrated into their regular homepage, for others it’s not.

You may have to go to the beta and who knows, I mean maybe they are looking at your cookie and if you’ve been at it once, then you will automatically be seeing the beta there. There doesn’t seem to be anyway to toggle it on or off.

In any case that’s what’s going on. We are going to take your calls for the next minute or two if anyone wants to join us, otherwise we will be talking to Mr Dave Taylor of Mr Ask Dave Taylor.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 2”

LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 1

Marc:  Welcome to LinkedIn Live WhosYourDaddy? I am your daddy. This is Marc Freedman the LinkedIn Anti-prophet, welcoming you to another edition of LinkedIn Live. And today is December 12, 2007. I am sure everybody is getting ready for the holidays. And we thank you for joining us.

And just a second here – let me see who we have on our line here.

Heidi: Hello?

Marc: Yes, this is the Priestess herself. Let me welcome Heidi Heyns the voice of milk and honey. Heidi how are you?

Heidi:  Am doing great! Thanks for getting me into this wonderful chat room. I’m glad to be here Marc.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Dave Taylor Part 1”

LinkedIn Live: Who’ Jason Alba

Marc : Welcome to LinkedIn Live. This is Marc Freedman your LinkedIn Daddy and the LinkedIn Anti-prophet. I want to welcome our callers and listeners today as well as the folks chatting on Now’s Player for our show.

Our co host Heidi Heyns the voice of milk and honey will be joining us shortly she wasn’t able to join us at the beginning. Hope every one had a terrific holiday over thanksgiving and we’re going to be starting shortly.

First I want to give a few shout outs. This thing you see that you see at the top of the show and we occasionally play during the show is from Michael Dawson of Dawson’s New Rage. He plays Latin rock fusion and we appreciate his support and his music. Our transcripts are provided by Futuregen. They do business process outsourcing including transcriptions so thank you Wilson at Futuregen!

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Who’ Jason Alba”

LinkedIn Live: Who’ Christian Mayaud

The following is a transcript provided by futuregen  to the interview with Christian Mayaud with 12 hours turnaround time, 98.5% accuracy and in a format suitable for blog posting.   

Welcome It’s LinkedIn Live: Who’s Your Daddy? And I am your daddy this is Marc Freedman the anti-prophet of LinkedIn and we’re happy to be back after a layoff will two weeks after the Thanksgiving holiday day.

I hope everybody had a nice little layoff there. On this show we are going to be featuring as usual the music from Michael Dawson of Dawson’s New Rage and I would thank Michael for his support; and we’ll also be playing some other music from new artists in the future shows as time permits.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Who’ Christian Mayaud”

LinkedIn Live: Who’ Arnnei Speiser

The following is a transcript provided by futuregen  to the interview with Arnnei Speiser with 12 hours turnaround time, 98.5% accuracy and in a format suitable for blog posting.  

Marc : Welcome to a special edition of LinkedIn Live: Who’s Your Daddy? And I’m your dad, Marc Freedman the LinkedIn Anti-prophet. We have a special edition here with Arnnei Speiser who is coming to us from England.

And Arnnei is the developer of LinkedIn Contact Manager, the best and leading software out there on the market and it’s free for all those LinkedIn users.

Arnnei, welcome to the show.

Continue reading “LinkedIn Live: Who’ Arnnei Speiser”