Call Center: Instant Inbound Call Center

Do you have an excessive amount of inbound calls that are overwhelming your current support staff? Are you hesitant to grow and/or invest in your center just to cope with these seasonal surges in demand? Are you searching for a partner that is willing to handle your spillover/extra/seasonal surge?

Futuregen has the [tag-tec]Instant Call center solution [/tag-tec] for you.

If you can divert the calls to our call center, we can handle your spillover work. We have trained and experienced customer care specialist that are depended upon by our principals to take care of their clients’
needs. Our staff have excellent Customer Relations profile (at least 90% CSR rating).

Our facilities can also load your script into our system so that our staff will answer in the same way your staff does. Plus the flexibility of our system allows our staff to adapt rather quickly. Our normal training and ramp up times varies from as short as 2 weeks to 4 weeks.