Bus Stops in Singapore

Having Bus Stop locations highlighted on Virtual maps increases the usefulness to people finding a way to get to a particular location.

Here is the problem, No Bus Stops!
The usual maps (google and microsoft) shows you only the location…but NOT the bus stops in a specified area. It would be a lot useful if the map also shows the location of bus stops in the vicinity of the area you are interested in.

The local bus company MAY provide the bus stop info, but these bus stops may not be superimposed on the map! It is not efficient.

Here are our goals:
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could also see the bus stops in and around an area that you were interested in? This is what we plan to provide – maps with bus stop information. You just need to pan a bit to the left or the right to make the bus stops show up.

The second goal is to allow us to find the route a bus is taking. Armed with this info one could then figure out alternative routes to take.

Here is the bus stop info page. We hope YOU can add value to this project by entering other bus stops in your area, and provide us with your feedback.

Microsoft–For training us in Bangkok in Microsoft Live! This community based project is written in .Net using Microsoft’s Virtual Earth APIs and windows Live Authentication API.

SinGeO — for the seminal work and the file location of the bus stop info!