Transcript: TWIS.ORG July 24, 2007

Kirsten: This Week in Science would like to thank for their support of this hour of science programming.

Justin: For all the mundane trudging that make up the a life lived, there comes a point at which all that has come before is represented in a single moment. Often referred to as the now, the present or the endless nothingness of being, this moment has such powers to be able to alter the course of all that will come after.

We can accept the things we have dared not challenge, deferring wisdom and courage to maintain our serenity or we can stand upon this moment of great purpose, hands on hips, chest out like some soon to be triumphant super hero of (ID) full certainty. And as low by pure force of will alone, we can overcome an obstacle, solve the mystery. And in doing so, change the future of our humanity for the better.

It may just be “now” like any other “now”, but it’s how you use this “now” that counts. And what did you do with all those other “nows” anyway? Not that it matters now, because this “now” is the only “now” that ever matters. And you have wisely chosen to use this “now” for something truly worth “nowing” about. This Week in Science, coming up now.

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