CCAS Event: Workforce Management Workshop

Call Center Association of Singapore will be conducting a Workforce Management Workshop at RELC International Hotel, SEAMAO Regional Language Centre, 30 Orange Grove Road Level 5, Room 504

The seminar is to be conducted by Ms Julie-Ann Hazlett, Education Manger of Call Design from 2pm to 5pm.

Workforce Management User Group –  An Overview of Staffing and Scheduling

  • Introduction to Call Design
  • Define workforce management.
  • List the implications of overstaffing/understaffing.
  • Describe why call-centre staffing is a unique kind of problem.
  • Outline the perspectives and goals of each stakeholder group and how workforce management impacts each.
  • List the basic steps of workforce management.
  • Describe the role of the supervisor in the workforce management process.
  • Open forum discussing workforce management issues

 Please reserve your seats via our website at  Cost for member:    S$100.00 / Non Member: S$250.00