LRS Benefits?
Savvy Website owners are making use of Live Response systems to increase customer satisfaction and overall online revenues. Live Response Systems gives your web visitors the option to talk to or ‘chat’ with an online CSR (customer sales rep) or CustCare (Customer Care Provider), dramatically increases your website’s usability—from within the browser sesson!
Clients now get immediate and intelligent answers to request for information.
What is a Live Response System?
Put simply, it is a client-server application that resides on three places: one piece that resides on your application server, the other piece resides on the webserver and finally, one piece sits on each of the staff PC that will handle the support.
How Does it work?
You place a piece of code on your web server. It will appear as button with the labels “Live Chat” or words of a similar nature. When clients can not find what they are looking for, or they need assistance, they simply click on the “Live Chat” icon.
This will cause a pop-up chat window to appear where both the visitor and your CustCare, or CSR can attend to, assist and/or close the sales for the visitor.
The CSR now has the tool to convert your webvisitor into a paying client!
Problems for SMEs
One phrase summarizes the problem faced by SMEs(Small and Medium Enterprises) when faced with Live Response Service implementations: Economies of Scale.
They are not big enough to afford the major investments required to plan, deploy and operate such a Live Support system given that their web traffic is not that great. They need the system, but their scale of operations can not justify hiring full time employee to operate the system.
One Possible Solution: Shared Live Customer Support Systems!
Instead of running Live Customer Support Systems fully inhouse, why not consider outsourcing this? The investment will be minimal as these are spread over shared customer support personnel with other SMEs.
Find out more:
Send us an email at marketing[at] and we will assess your current needs and match you with a correct program.